Figure 3 | Scientific Reports

Figure 3

From: Preference and familiarity mediate spatial responses of a large herbivore to experimental manipulation of resource availability

Figure 3

Roe deer shifts in resource use during the experiment—manipulated feeding site (M, left column), alternate feeding sites (A, central column) and vegetation (V, right column). Top row: mean proportional use (dots and lines) as a function of the experiment phase (x-axis) and preference for feeding sites (colour scale). Bottom row: predictions of the resource use models (\({u}_{M,t}\), \({u}_{A,t}\) and \({u}_{V,t}\); estimate: solid lines; 95% confidence interval: ribbon) and mean relative use (females: dots; males: squares) as a function of the experiment phase (colour) and preference for feeding sites (x-axis). The model predictions do not consider resource lags at 1, 2 and 24 h nor the influence of sex (although selected in the final model for \({u}_{A,t})\) for clarity and conciseness. Parameter estimates and associated significance can be found in Supplementary Information S5: Table S1.

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