Figure 3 | Scientific Reports

Figure 3

From: Variations in storm-induced bed level dynamics across intertidal flats

Figure 3

(a)–(h) Averaged bed level of two successive measurements versus the bed level rate of change between those measurements (considered as the bed level dynamics). The data is grouped per intertidal flat, see (i) for the location of intertidal flats a–h with the measurement locations indicated as black markers. The number of measurement locations for each flat (S), the total number of samples (N) and the coefficient of determination (\({\hbox {r}}^2\)) are shown in the top right corner for each flat. The horizontal grid lines represent the boundaries of the vertical bins over which the percentiles are computed. Percentiles are only shown for vertical bins that contained at least 20 data points. All plots are vertically bounded by mean low water (MLW) and mean high water (MHW), apart from (h) that contained also a substantial amount of data points below MLW. Absence of data at the top of the tidal window in (d), (e), and (h) is due to the limited height of these flats, while absence of data at the bottom of the tidal window is solely due to absence of measurements at those elevations. All data is shown versus a fixed reference frame (the 2014 mean sea level; MSL).

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