Figure 6 | Scientific Reports

Figure 6

From: Cranial evolution in the extinct Rodrigues Island owl Otus murivorus (Strigidae), associated with unexpected ecological adaptations

Figure 6

(a) 3D scatter plot of the three angles between the three semi-circular canals, in the 11 owls, showing the position of O. murivorus (in orange) near A. cunicularia (in pink). At the opposite relative to the concentrated positions of the other eight owls is B. scandiacus (in blue). (b)–(e) four 3D view of the inner ear of: (b) O. murivorus; c, O. sunia; (d) A. cunicularia; (e) B. zeylonensis, showing the sinuosity of LSC (dashed red line). ASC, anterior semi-circular canal; CD, cochlear duct; LSC, lateral semi-circular canal; PSC, posterior semi-circular canal. Not to scale.

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