Figure 5 | Scientific Reports

Figure 5

From: In vitro modeling of solid tumor interactions with perfused blood vessels

Figure 5

MDA-231 and HUVEC tumor spheroid-induced angiogenesis. (ad) Growth of the tumor spheroid mixture consisting of MDA-231 cells and HUVECs. (a) A schematic illustration of the experimental design. (b) A representative bright-field experimental image of the tumor spheroids and HLF-laden ECM in the microfluidic chip device supplemented with EGM-2. (c,d) Representative confocal images of the MDA-231 + HUVEC spheroids at day 2 (c) and day 5 (d), respectively. (eh) Representative confocal images of MDA-231 + HUVEC tumor spheroid-induced angiogenesis at day 0 (e), day 2 (f), day 6 (g), and day 10 (h), respectively. (e,f) Enlarged cross fluorescence confocal images of tumor spheroid-vasculature areas highlighted in (h) as original fluorescence (i) and reversed pseudo-color (j).

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