Figure 7 | Scientific Reports

Figure 7

From: Transmission of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana to adults of Kuschelorhynchus macadamiae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from infected adults and conidiated cadavers

Figure 7

(A,G) Anterior dorsal view of the pronotum showing tubercles, (B,H) fungal conidia attached on scales around the tubercle, (C,I) Dorsal view of the elytron showing tubercles; (D,J) fungal conidia attached to the scales of the elytron, (E,K) Ventral view of the thorax (tr) and abdomen (ab), (F,L) fungal conidia germinated or attached to the scales of the abdomen. The red arrows point at the conidia or the germinated conidia of B27 (B,D,F) and ECS1 (H,J,L). As there were numerous conidia either attached to, or germinated on the weevil, the arrows are used to indicate examples. Red boxes indicate areas shown at higher magnification in other images.

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