Fig. 4: Clinical associations for traditional/written and app SDMT (HV = 12; MS = 112). | npj Digital Medicine

Fig. 4: Clinical associations for traditional/written and app SDMT (HV = 12; MS = 112).

From: Smartphone-based symbol-digit modalities test reliably captures brain damage in multiple sclerosis

Fig. 4

a Elastic net regression shows that when controlling for relevant motoric factors and age, brain parenchymal fraction and T2 lesions load are highly associated with the written results. These factors predict a traditional SDMT score that agrees with the actual score at a CCC of 0.75. b For the app SDMT, vision and eye movement also influenced the results. Controlling for these factors, brain parenchymal fraction and T2 lesions load are highly associated with the app results. This model produces a predicted app SDMT value that agrees to the actual value at a CCC of 0.75.

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