Fig. 5: App tapping score serving as a covariate in the elastic net model (HV = 12; MS = 112). | npj Digital Medicine

Fig. 5: App tapping score serving as a covariate in the elastic net model (HV = 12; MS = 112).

From: Smartphone-based symbol-digit modalities test reliably captures brain damage in multiple sclerosis

Fig. 5

a Elastic net regression results with NeurEx cerebellar functions and upper motor strength being replaced by the app tapping score as a covariate. This model produces scores that agree with the actual scores at a CCC of 0.70. b Removing the tapping scores reduces the CCC to 0.57 and Rho to 0.74, showing that while tapping scores, like cerebellar and upper motor functions, have small influences on the app SDMT comparing to the MRI variables, it is important to include this covariate in the model.

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