Fig. 6 | Communications Biology

Fig. 6

From: Changes in rainfall distribution promote woody foliage production in the Sahel

Fig. 6

Trends in vegetation composition and rainfall distribution in the western Sahel. VOD-based estimates of herbaceous mass (AGH; light blue) and woody foliage (WPF; dark blue) for the Sahel (1992–2012) as delineated in Fig. 5. Linear trends are shown as light and dark blue lines. The slopes for AGH (5 kg ha yr−1) and WPF (9 kg ha yr−1) are significantly different (P < 0.01). b Decomposed rainfall trends for areas with a higher slope in early/late rains (rainfallEL) than core wet-season rains (rainfallC) (n = 35 704) for 1987–2016 (n = 30). RainfallC corresponds to the core wet-season rain and rainfallEL to the early and late rains. The slopes for rainfallC (0.4 mm yr−1) and rainfallEL (1.4 mm yr−1) are significantly different (P = 0.01)

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