Fig. 6 | Communications Biology

Fig. 6

From: Bright split red fluorescent proteins for the visualization of endogenous proteins and synapses

Fig. 6

NLG-1 CLASP and NLG-1 GRASP distinguish synapses made between the AVA neurons and two different sets of synaptic partners in live C. elegans. a Schematic diagram of sfCherry31–10/11-based NLG-1 CLASP labeling synapses between the two AVA interneurons and their presynaptic partners, the PHB sensory neurons, and GFP1–10/11-based NLG-1 GRASP labeling synapses between the two AVA interneurons and their postsynaptic partners, the VA and DA motorneurons (one neuron from each group is shown for simplicity). be Schematics and micrographs of NLG-1 CLASP specifically labeling synaptic contacts between AVA and PHB neurons, and NLG-1 GRASP specifically labeling synaptic contacts between AVA and VA and DA neurons. Each row contains micrographs of the same animal. PHB-AVA NLG-1 CLASP and AVA-VA/DA NLG-1 GRASP fluorescence intensity are dramatically reduced in the synaptic partner recognition mutant clr-1/RPTP. f, g Quantification of the reduction in relative fluorescence intensities of NLG-1 CLASP and NLG-1 GRASP in clr-1/RPTP mutants. N = animals in each case, ***P < 0.001, *P < 0.05, Mann–Whitney U-test. See Supplementary Data for the list of data values

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