Fig. 1: Heterologous expression of spider dragline silk proteins in the recombinant marine photosynthetic bacterium Rhodovulum sulfidophilum under photoheterotrophic conditions. | Communications Biology

Fig. 1: Heterologous expression of spider dragline silk proteins in the recombinant marine photosynthetic bacterium Rhodovulum sulfidophilum under photoheterotrophic conditions.

From: A marine photosynthetic microbial cell factory as a platform for spider silk production

Fig. 1

a A recombinant R. sulfidophilum harboring the broad-host-range vector pBBR1MCS-2 with a MaSp1 repetitive domain from Nephila clavipes was developed to express spider dragline silk protein. b A gene cassette containing the trc promoter (Ptrc) and MaSp1-(1-mer, 2-mer, 3-mer, and 6-mer) was inserted into pBBR1MCS-2, and a histidine tag was present at the N-terminus of MaSp1 (pink-color box). c Tris-Tricine SDS-PAGE (16.5%) of soluble proteins from four days of recombinant R. sulfidophilum cultures. d Western blot using monoclonal anti-His•Tag antibody, which targets histidine-tagged MaSp1-(1-mer, 2-mer, 3-mer, or 6-mer) proteins.

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