Fig. 3 | Communications Physics

Fig. 3

From: Anisotropies and magnetic phase transitions in insulating antiferromagnets determined by a Spin-Hall magnetoresistance probe

Fig. 3

Spin-Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) for Pt Hall bars deposited along the x-axis (direction of the injected current) of the R-cut single crystal of hematite. a Schematic of the devices, α is the angle between Jx and H. b The longitudinal SMR response as a function of the magnetic fields applied along x (red), y (black) and z (green) axes (c-d) Angular dependence of the longitudinal (c) and transverse (d) SMR for different field values   8 (blue) and 11 T (black). Error bars (not visible, smaller than the symbol size) account for the standard error

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