Fig. 4 | Communications Physics

Fig. 4

From: Non-hermitian topology as a unifying framework for the Andreev versus Majorana states controversy

Fig. 4

Wave function evolution across an exceptional point (EP). The bifurcating eigenstates of the non-Hermitian nanowire Hamiltonian are not orthogonal close to the exceptional point. a Shows the inner product modulus \(| {\psi }_{+}^{* }\cdot {\psi }_{-}|\) of the two lowest eigenstates \({\psi }_{\pm }\) as they cross the EP. The two eigenstates are found to coalesce at the EP (inner product of modulus 1). The eigenstate wave functions density along the nanowire is shown in b before the EP, c at the EP and d after the EP, at values of \(B/{B}_{{\rm{c}}}\) marked by vertical solid lines in (a). We see that wave functions also bifurcate into non-local (decaying) Majorana eigenstates after the EP. Left and right columns correspond to a uniform and a smoothly confined nanowire, respectively

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