Fig. 3: Sankey diagram for GHG emissions from the food system in 2015. | Nature Food

Fig. 3: Sankey diagram for GHG emissions from the food system in 2015.

From: Food systems are responsible for a third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions

Fig. 3

a, Global. b, Industrialized. c, Developing countries (including China). Total GHG emissions of the food system were 18 Gt CO2e yr−1 in 2015. The qualitative information of the activities contributing to the food system provided by the Sankey diagram is complemented with the quantitative contribution of individual GHG and sector shares to the total GHG food-system emissions. Arrows and percentages indicate the change in gas, sector, stage and category contributions between 1990 and 2015. Numbers are rounded and therefore do not necessary sum up to 100%.

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