Fig. 9: Geological cross-section showing the possible relationship between the Oligocene inherited normal La Rouvière fault (LRF) and the reverse 11/11/2019 earthquake rupture (red). | Communications Earth & Environment

Fig. 9: Geological cross-section showing the possible relationship between the Oligocene inherited normal La Rouvière fault (LRF) and the reverse 11/11/2019 earthquake rupture (red).

From: Surface rupture and shallow fault reactivation during the 2019 Mw 4.9 Le Teil earthquake, France

Fig. 9

Thickness, dip, and location of geological formations are from the Aubenas geological map4. Elevation is from Google Earth extraction. PCF Pontet-de-Couloubre Fault, LRF La Rouvière Fault, BRRF Bayne-Roche-Renard Fault, BSAF Bayne-Saint-Alban Fault, BCS Bayne-Couijanet Syncline.

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