Extended Data Fig. 8: APJ-mediated remyelination is independent of neuronal functions. | Nature Aging

Extended Data Fig. 8: APJ-mediated remyelination is independent of neuronal functions.

From: Age-dependent decline in remyelination capacity is mediated by apelin–APJ signaling

Extended Data Fig. 8

a, Representative images of spinal cord section stained with c-fos (green) and NeuN (magenta). Quantitation of the c-fos labeled neuron in the spinal cord (n = 4). Each data point represents biologically independent animals. P = 0.483. b, Relative expression of indicated mRNA expression in the spinal cord neurons obtained from EAE mice with ML233 treatment (n = 4). Each data point represents biologically independent animals. P = 0.802 (IGF-1), 0.722 (Sama6A), 0.202 (BMP5), 0.186 (BMP6), 0.575 (BMP7), 0.661 (Lingo-1). Scale bars, 200 μm. Data are the mean ± s.e.m. and were assessed using two-tailed Welch’s t-test.

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