Table 1 Sexual system database ontology in plants.

From: Tree of Sex: A database of sexual systems



Sexual systema

Hermaphrodite, monoecy, dioecy, gynodioecy, androdioecy, gynomonoecy, andromonoecy, polygamodioecy, polygamomonoecy, apomictic, otherb

Genotypic (sex determination)

Male heterogametic, female heterogametic, GSD, polygenic


ZO, ZW, XY, XO, WO, homomorphic, complex XY (e.g., X1X2Y), complex ZW (e.g., Z1Z2W)

Molecular basis

Dosage, Y dominant, W dominant


Self incompatible, self compatible

Growth form

Herb, shrub, tree, herbaceous vine, liana/woody vine


W woody, H herbaceous, variable

Woodiness countc

#W; #H; #variable

Life form

Annual, perennial

Chromosome numberd

(List of records for counts)

Chromosome numberd (minimum)

(integer number)

Chromosome numberd (mean)

(real number)

  1. aSexual system is the morphological system. In some species, hermaphrodites function primarily as males or primarily as females, but this information is not known for the majority of species in the database.
  2. bSexual system states include: Hermaphrodite, plants whose flowers have both male and female parts. Monoecy, plants have separate male and female flowers on the same plant. Dioecy, all plants are either female or male. Gynodioecy, both female and hermaphrodite plants present. Androdioecy, both male and hermaphrodite plants present. Gynomonoecy, female and hermaphrodite flowers within a plant. Andromonoecy, male and hermaphrodite flowers within a plant. Polygamodioecy, male, female, and hermaphrodite plants present. Polygamomonoecy, male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers within a plant. Apomictic, asexual/parthenogenetic.
  3. cAs reported by Zanne et al.23,24.
  4. dSeparate columns indicate gametophytic (after meiosis; ‘haploid’ number) and sporophytic chromosome counts (before meiosis; ‘diploid’ number).