Figure 5 | Scientific Reports

Figure 5

From: KefB inhibits phagosomal acidification but its role is unrelated to M. tuberculosis survival in host

Figure 5

Influence of disruption of kefB on the growth of M. tuberculosis in guinea pigs.

The figure depicts bacillary load in the lungs and spleen of guinea pigs infected with 10–30 bacilli of M. tuberculosis, MtbΔkefB or MtbΔkefBComp at 5 weeks (A) and 10 weeks post-infection (B). Guinea pigs infected with either of the M. tuberculosis strains exhibited a comparable bacillary load in the lungs as well as in the spleen. Each data point represents the log10CFU value for an individual animal and bar depicts mean (±SE) for each group.

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