Figure 3 | Scientific Reports

Figure 3

From: Chemical mediation of coral larval settlement by crustose coralline algae

Figure 3

Experimental flowchart of bioassay-guided treatments to release or inactivate larval settlement cues from live CCA (Hydrolithon onkodes).

Experimental treatments (ovals) and their resulting samples (rectangles) are shown. CCA particulate samples are highlighted in red, liquid extracts in white. Percentage values represent the mean larval settlement response (±SE, n = 6) of Acropora millepora to these samples after 12 h. Bold rectangles represent samples that (i) induced significant larval settlement and metamorphosis compared to the negative control of Filtered seawater (p < 0.05, pairwise PERMANOVA) and (ii) statistically the same response to live, untreated CCA (α = 0.05, pairwise PERMANOVA). Abbreviations: CHCl3 (chloroform), BuOH (butanol), MeOH (methanol), EtOH (ethanol), EtOAc (ethylacetate), Hex (hexane), aq. (aqueous), extr. (extracted), AB (antibiotic).

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