Figure 2 | Scientific Reports

Figure 2

From: Morphological and community changes of turf algae in competition with corals

Figure 2

Genet of a ‘typical’ clonal alga, indicating the eight morphological characters evaluated in this study.

(a) Genet of the red alga Lophosiphonia cristata, indicating the distance (“spacer”) between erect axes (SEA), height of the erect axis (HEA) and the formation of new ramets (FNR); (b) an enlargement of (a) indicating the diameter of the prostrate axis (DPA), length of pericentral cells of the prostrate axis (LPC), distance (“spacer”) between rhizoids (SR), length of rhizoids (LR) and diameter of rhizoids (DR). Photo credit: H. Bahena-Basave.

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