Figure 4 | Scientific Reports

Figure 4

From: The complete mitogenome of a 500-year-old Inca child mummy

Figure 4

(A) ML phylogeny and TMRCA of the main C1b clades analyzed in the present study and the American chronology (LGM: Last Glacial Maximum). (B) Spatial-frequency distribution of haplogroup C1b. The map was built as indicated in Figure 2 and based on control region information. Note there are two main peaks of haplogroup C1b frequencies, one centered in Mexico and another one in Peru. In addition, there is a third peak in Puerto Rico (n = 23); this high frequency on the island projects over the North-East of South America (i.e. Venezuela and North of Brazil) where in reality C1b is virtually absent. The map was built using a blank map based on GPS coordinates and the SAGA v. 2.1.1 (see methods).

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