Figure 3: ROC curves for AdaBoost classifiers built for M. tuberculosis antimicrobial resistance. | Scientific Reports

Figure 3: ROC curves for AdaBoost classifiers built for M. tuberculosis antimicrobial resistance.

From: Antimicrobial Resistance Prediction in PATRIC and RAST

Figure 3

Genome sets and classifier statistics are described in Table 3. Classifiers for individual antibiotics were chosen for minimal correlation between AMR patterns and up to 250 resistant and susceptible genomes were used. Equal numbers of susceptible and resistant genomes were used all experiments. All curves depict cross validation experiments and are for ethambutol (red line with square symbols), ethionamide (orange line with diamond symbols), isoniazid (green line with triangle symbols), kanamycin (light blue line with circle symbols), ofloxacin (dark blue line with square symbols), rifampicin (purple line with diamond symbols) and streptomycin (brown line with triangle symbols). The black line with circle plot points depicts the combined multidrug resistance classifier described in Tables 3 and Supplementary Tables S4–6.

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