Figure 2 | Scientific Reports

Figure 2

From: Chlorin e6 mediated photodynamic inactivation for multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis in mice in vivo

Figure 2

(A) Log10CFU 1 h after regimen I (chlorin e6 mediated PDI at 24 h post infection), (B) Log10CFU on day 3, of each mouse is displayed as a single dot in the scatter plot, grouped by the concentrations of chlorin e6 (Ce6) used in PDI at hour 24. Mean of Log10CFU of each group is shown as a bar. (A) Log10CFU in 0.01% Ce6 group (*P = 0.028) and 0.05% Ce6 group (*P = 0.015) are significantly lower than the control group treated by 0% Ce6. (B) Log10CFU in 0.1% Ce6 group is significantly higher than the control group treated by 0% Ce6 (*P = 0.011).

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