For Authors & Referees

This section offers the following resources for prospective authors and referees:

Please see "Preparation of Articles" for
Information on accepted article types, publishing original research, general manuscript publication, disclosures/conflicts of interest, style guidelines, acknowledgments, author contributions, references, figures, tables, and supplementary material. 

Please see "How to Submit" for
Information on corresponding with the journal, online submission guidelines, and submissions of revisions. 

Please see "Open Access & Self-Archiving" for
Information on licensing, self-archiving, digital preservation, and DOIs.

Please see "Costs" for:
Information on color figure and page charges, as well membership discounts. 

Please see "Editorial Policies" for:
Information on authorship, disclosures, communication of media/scientists, preprints, permissions, gene nomenclature, biosecurity, plagiarism, etc.  

Please see "English Language Support & Useful Tutorials" for:
English language editing services and author/reviewer tutorials. 

Please see "For Referees" for
Information about publication criteria, selection of referees, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, the review process, and how to write a report.