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  • Renal transplantation can be successfully performed in patients of all ages, and the short-term and medium-term outcomes have improved over the past decades. In this Review, Christer Holmberg and Hannu Jalanko discuss the long-term effects of kidney transplantation on paediatric recipients. They outline the adverse effects that can occur with regard to growth, bone health, metabolic and cardiovascular complications, and malignancies, and highlight the challenges that remain in managing the care of paediatric renal transplant recipients.

    • Christer Holmberg
    • Hannu Jalanko
    Nature Reviews Nephrology
    Volume: 12, P: 301-311
  • Immunosuppressive drugs, metabolic disorders and immobilization are factors that contribute to an increased incidence of scoliosis, vertebral fractures and back pain in pediatric transplant recipients. Here, a team from Helsinki University Central Hospital review historical data on orthopedic complications in this patient population, and provide updated recommendations for prevention, assessment and management based on their own extensive research and clinical experience.

    • Ilkka Helenius
    • Hannu Jalanko
    • Jari Peltonen
    Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology
    Volume: 3, P: 96-105