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Showing 1–14 of 14 results
Advanced filters: Author: "Emmanouil Dermitzakis" Clear advanced filters
  • It has been suggested that transposable elements (TE) play a role in tumourigenesis, but the associated mechanisms remain unclear. Here, the authors show, using colorectal cancer data and Bayesian Networks, that TEs can mediate the effect of expression quantitative trait loci and contribute to the regulation of cancer-related genes.

    • Nikolaos M. R. Lykoskoufis
    • Evarist Planet
    • Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis
    ResearchOpen Access
    Nature Communications
    Volume: 15, P: 1-13
  • Emmanouil Dermitzakis, Alfonso Buil and colleagues measure transcriptome-wide expression in a sample of twins to measure the relative contribution of genetic and environmental effects on allele-specific expression and find substantial effects of gene × gene and gene × environment interactions.

    • Alfonso Buil
    • Andrew Anand Brown
    • Emmanouil T Dermitzakis
    Nature Genetics
    Volume: 47, P: 88-91
  • Many genetic variants have been associated with human traits, but the mechanism is often unknown. Here, the authors integrate local and distal genetic associations with multi-omics datasets to provide a roadmap to understand the underlying mechanisms of GWAS variants on complex traits.

    • Andrew A. Brown
    • Juan J. Fernandez-Tajes
    • Ana Viñuela
    ResearchOpen Access
    Nature Communications
    Volume: 14, P: 1-17
  • The authors combine multi-layered omics with clinical and biochemical features from individuals affected with methylmalonic aciduria, a rare inherited disease affecting succinyl-CoA synthesis, revealing that anaplerotic rewiring is a targetable feature.

    • Patrick Forny
    • Ximena Bonilla
    • D. Sean Froese
    ResearchOpen Access
    Nature Metabolism
    Volume: 5, P: 80-95
  • Analysis of molecular quantitative trait loci (molQTL) can help interpret genome-wide association studies and requires efficient approaches to correct for multiple testing. This study describes a bioinformatics toolkit called QTLtool that can handle large data sets and quickly perform multiple types of molQTL analyses.

    • Olivier Delaneau
    • Halit Ongen
    • Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis
    ResearchOpen Access
    Nature Communications
    Volume: 8, P: 1-7
  • Sequencing and deep analysis of mRNA and miRNA from lymphoblastoid cell lines of 462 individuals from the 1000 Genomes Project reveal widespread genetic variation affecting the regulation of most genes, with transcript structure and expression level variation being equally common but genetically largely independent, and the analyses point to putative causal variants for dozens of disease-associated loci.

    • Tuuli Lappalainen
    • Michael Sammeth
    • Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis
    Volume: 501, P: 506-511
  • The MuTHER Consortium reports an analysis of the genetics of gene expression in three tissues from approximately 850 mono- and dizygotic twins. They systematically dissect cis and trans genetic effects and estimate non-genetic effects on gene expression.

    • Elin Grundberg
    • Kerrin S Small
    • Tim D Spector
    Nature Genetics
    Volume: 44, P: 1084-1089
  • Examination of allele-specific expression identifies 71 genes with excess somatic cis-regulatory effects in colorectal cancer (CRC), and 1,693 and 948 expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) in normal samples and tumours, respectively (with 36% of tumour eQTLs exclusive to CRC); tumour-specific eQTLs are more enriched for low CRC genome-wide association study P values and accumulate more somatic mutations than shared eQTLs, suggesting a role as germline-derived cancer regulatory drivers.

    • Halit Ongen
    • Claus L. Andersen
    • Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis
    Volume: 512, P: 87-90
  • Here, sequencing has been used to characterize the mRNA fraction of the transcriptome in Caucasian individuals, to provide a fine-scale view of transcriptomes and to identify genetic variants that affect alternative splicing. Measuring allele-specific expression identified rare expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) and allelic differences in transcript structure, revealing new properties of genetic effects on the transcriptome.

    • Stephen B. Montgomery
    • Micha Sammeth
    • Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis
    Volume: 464, P: 773-777
  • CaVEMaN is a new method that uses whole-genome sequencing and RNA-sequencing data to implicate likely causal variants affecting gene expression. The set of high-confidence causal variants found in multiple tissues is enriched for variants associated with complex traits.

    • Andrew Anand Brown
    • Ana Viñuela
    • Emmanouil T Dermitzakis
    Nature Genetics
    Volume: 49, P: 1747-1751
  • The author discusses the advantages and challenges of 'cellular phenotyping' and the way in which this integrated analysis of cellular phenotypes is likely to advance our understanding of the genetic and long-term environmental influences on complex traits.

    • Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis
    Nature Reviews Genetics
    Volume: 13, P: 215-220
  • This study presents a new approach to estimate the tissues contributing to the genetic causality for complex traits and diseases. The method assesses tissue sharing of eQTLs among 44 tissues and then uses these tissue-sharing estimates to infer the tissues where trait-associated variants likely exert their function.

    • Halit Ongen
    • Andrew A Brown
    • Emmanouil T Dermitzakis
    Nature Genetics
    Volume: 49, P: 1676-1683
  • The authors describe how the evolving designs of eQTL studies, facilitated by advances in genotyping and gene-expression-based technologies, are increasingly able to investigate the role of regulatory variation in different biological contexts.

    • Stephen B. Montgomery
    • Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis
    Nature Reviews Genetics
    Volume: 12, P: 277-282