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  • Lipid-nanostructure hybrids possess dimensions that are comparable to biological molecules as well as unique and useful physicochemical properties arising from both lipids and nanomaterials. Therefore, the hybrids allow mimicking of the assembled structure and function of subcellular membrane components and monitoring of the membrane-associated reactions in a highly sensitive and controllable manner. In this review, we present recent advances in the synthesis of various lipid-nanostructure hybrids and the use of these structures for applications in nanobiotechnology. We further describe the scientific and practical applications of lipid-nanostructure hybrids for detecting membrane-targeting molecules, interfacing nanostructures with live cells and creating membrane-mimicking platforms to investigate cell–cell communication and intracellular processes.

    • Young Kwang Lee
    • Hyojin Lee
    • Jwa-Min Nam
    ReviewsOpen Access
    NPG Asia Materials
    Volume: 5, P: e48