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  • An improved understanding of the cellular events that lead to motor neuron injury in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) could highlight promising new therapeutic strategies. Pamela Shaw and colleagues provide a comprehensive overview of the numerous molecular mechanisms that are involved in ALS, including oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and excitotoxicity. They discuss features specific to motor neurons that might render this cell type vulnerable to damage, and highlight important links between cellular events and clinical features of the disease.

    • Laura Ferraiuolo
    • Janine Kirby
    • Pamela J. Shaw
    Nature Reviews Neurology
    Volume: 7, P: 616-630
  • Gene expression profiling (GEP) has advanced considerably in the past 5 years, and has been used to study differential gene expression associated with various neurological disorders. In their Review, Shaw and colleagues review recent GEP studies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson disease and Alzheimer disease. The findings have highlighted involvement of shared and distinct pathways across diseases, and point to possible biomarkers and therapeutic targets that could improve future diagnosis and treatment.

    • Johnathan Cooper-Knock
    • Janine Kirby
    • Pamela J. Shaw
    Nature Reviews Neurology
    Volume: 8, P: 518-530