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Showing 1–6 of 6 results
Advanced filters: Author: "Johannes Messinger" Clear advanced filters
  • Using serial femtosecond X-ray cystallography, we provide structural insights into the final reaction step of Kok’s photosynthetic water oxidation cycle, specifically the S3→[S4]→S0 transition where O2 is formed.

    • Asmit Bhowmick
    • Rana Hussein
    • Vittal K. Yachandra
    ResearchOpen Access
    Volume: 617, P: 629-636
  • The oxygen-evolving complex in Photosystem II (PSII) catalyzes the light-driven oxidation of water to oxygen and it is still under debate how the water reaches the active site. Here, the authors analyse time-resolved XFEL-based crystal structures of PSII that were determined at room temperature and report the structures of the waters in the putative channels surrounding the active site at various time-points during the reaction cycle and conclude that the O1 channel is the likely water intake pathway and the Cl1 channel the likely proton release pathway.

    • Rana Hussein
    • Mohamed Ibrahim
    • Junko Yano
    ResearchOpen Access
    Nature Communications
    Volume: 12, P: 1-16
  • The oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II converts water into oxygen during photosynthesis, but how this process occurs is not yet fully understood. Here, the authors use modified complexes with reduced reaction rates to study the process of oxygen evolution in more detail.

    • Håkan Nilsson
    • Fabrice Rappaport
    • Johannes Messinger
    ResearchOpen Access
    Nature Communications
    Volume: 5, P: 1-7