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Advanced filters: Author: "Patrick Maxwell" Clear advanced filters
  • Renal anaemia, resulting from impaired renal production of erythropoietin, is a common occurrence in patients with chronic kidney disease. Conventional erythropoiesis stimulating agents can be used to treat the condition, but small-molecule inhibitors of prolyl hydroxylase domain-containing (PHD) enzymes might provide a more efficient and tolerable approach to anaemia management. Here, Maxwell and Eckardt describe the rationale for targeting PHD enzymes to increase erythropoietin production. They also discuss other potential on-target consequences of HIF activation and possible off-target effects on enzymes that are structurally similar to PHD enzymes.

    • Patrick H. Maxwell
    • Kai-Uwe Eckardt
    Nature Reviews Nephrology
    Volume: 12, P: 157-168