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  • Diagnostic improvements and earlier detection of tumors have resulted in the emergence of a shift from Halsted paradigm, which has encouraged the use of systemic adjuvant therapy. With these changes in tumor paradigm, the rationale for local treatment as a curative treatment strategy has been challenged. This Viewpoint emphasizes the importance of local control in this scenario.

    • Samuel Hellman
    • Ralph R Weichselbaum
    Nature Clinical Practice Oncology
    Volume: 2, P: 60-61
  • As our understanding of cancer evolves, the perceptions and prevailing paradigms that define this disease have also changed. The molecular basis of cancer has helped to influence oncology clinical practice; however, paradigms affect both the focus and design of research and also impact upon patient care. A clear recognition of how these varying perceptions of cancer affect and limit communication among the cancer-related disciplines as well as between these disciplines is needed. Both professionals and the general public should consider cancer as a group of diseases for which cure is related to tumor type, stage and available treatment.

    • Samuel Hellman
    Nature Clinical Practice Oncology
    Volume: 2, P: 618-624