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Advanced filters: Author: "Vesna D. Garovic" Clear advanced filters
  • Here, four leading researchers discuss key considerations related to women's kidney health, including specific risk factors, the main challenges and barriers to care and policies and systems that could be implemented to improve the kidney health of women and their offspring.

    • Gloria E. Ashuntantang
    • Vesna D. Garovic
    • Liz Lightstone
    Nature Reviews Nephrology
    Volume: 14, P: 203-210
  • Seven single gene mutations are known to cause hypertension, generally by affecting electrolyte transport in the distal nephron, or synthesis or activity of mineralocorticoid hormones. These relatively uncommon disorders should be considered when young patients with a family history of high blood pressure present with severe or refractory hypertension. This article guides clinicians through identification of these defects, their associated laboratory findings, and recommended treatments.

    • Vesna D Garovic
    • Anthony A Hilliard
    • Stephen T Turner
    Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology
    Volume: 2, P: 624-630
  • It is important that care providers recognize that increased blood pressure during gestation increases a woman's chances of developing cardiovascular problems later in life. To that end, authors from the Mayo Clinic have brought together data that support this association. As we lack large-scale studies of prevention strategies, Garovic and Hayman recommend that women who have had hypertensive pregnancies should be carefully monitored after pregnancy for risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease.

    • Vesna D Garovic
    • Suzanne R Hayman
    Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology
    Volume: 3, P: 613-622