Computational astrophysics articles within Nature Communications


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    The origins of the pair of X-ray bubbles, called eROSITA bubbles (eRBs), detected in the halo of Milky Way are debated. Here, the authors show hydrodynamical simulations suggesting circumgalactic medium wind model can explain asymmetric eRBs.

    • Guobin Mou
    • , Dongze Sun
    •  & Zhicheng He
  • Article
    | Open Access

    The classical stellar evolution concept assumes that when the stars arrive on the main sequence, there is no traceable mark remains about their early evolutionary history. Here, the authors show that the accretion history leaves an imprint on the interior structure of the stars that are potentially detectable via asteroseismology.

    • Thomas Steindl
    • , Konstanze Zwintz
    •  & Eduard Vorobyov
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    | Open Access

    Advanced LIGO has detected gravitational waves from two binary black hole mergers, plus a merger candidate. Here the authors use the COMPAS code to show that all three events can be explained by a single evolutionary channel via a common envelope phase, and characterize the progenitor metallicity and masses.

    • Simon Stevenson
    • , Alejandro Vigna-Gómez
    •  & Selma E. de Mink
  • Article
    | Open Access

    One hypothesis for solar system formation is gas compression by a nearby supernova, whose traces should be found in isotopic anomalies. Here the authors show that this mechanism is viable only if the triggering event was a low-mass supernova, looking at short-lived 10Be and lack of anomalies in stable isotopes.

    • Projjwal Banerjee
    • , Yong-Zhong Qian
    •  & W C Haxton