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Advanced filters: Author: "Joseph A. Baur" Clear advanced filters
  • Resveratrol is the constituent of red wine that has an array of protective effectsin vitro and in animal models. Baur and Sinclair provide a comprehensive review of the in vivoevidence that suggests resveratrol has therapeutic potential in humans.

    • Joseph A. Baur
    • David A. Sinclair
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
    Volume: 5, P: 493-506
  • The sirtuin proteins have emerged as potential regulators of mammalian lifespan, and are believed to be responsible for the health and longevity-enhancing effects of caloric restriction. Here, Baur and colleagues provide an overview of the sirtuin family, focusing on sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) and its potential to be targeted in the treatment of age-related diseases. They address the controversy surrounding the mechanism of action of resveratrol and the development of more potent SIRT1 activators.

    • Joseph A. Baur
    • Zoltan Ungvari
    • Rafael de Cabo
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
    Volume: 11, P: 443-461